Thursday, March 31, 2011

OOTD & me likey Calgary

Just a super quick post I'm in Calgary for work and I'm plesantly surprised at how nice it is here. It reminds me of Vancouver^^ And...I must say, everyone is dressed really nicely here; it's like they're all made of money haha j/k!! This is what I was wearing today:

My legs look so short O_o

These shoes I got when I went to Buffalo for shopping (haul post coming up)..I love them! I love the grey colour with the pop of neon on the bottom :p I look like I work out when I wear these Hope you're all having a good week :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray for Japan

I look at this and feel so heart is yearning. Please Help.

[Image from google]

So, I woke up on Friday with texts from my friends asking if my family (in Japan) were ok. I was like "WTF is going on in Japan?". I turned on the tv and saw utter devastation. The first thing I thought about was my family. I called my mother and asked if she got a hold of them...answer: no. She told me she kept calling, but always got the busy signal. I decided to email them thinking maybe the internet is up and running? For the whole day I couldn't concentrate on work, my mind was in Japan. They emailed back Friday evening saying that they're ok, but still experiencing a lot of aftershocks. I heard on the news that they have been experiencing over 250+ aftershocks?! I have been reading comments from people stating that this earthquake and tsunami are just payback for things that happened years ago - really? I can't believe people actually feel this way..I can go ON and ON about this topic but I wont.

I don't know if you bloggers out there still read my blog, but if you do, please help...even if it's just a prayer for the people in Asia. Thank you

Links you can go to donate:
Lady Gaga's Pray for Japan bracelet
Doctors Without Borders
Global Giving

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Drifting away

I've been extremely busy lately, putting in 60+ hr work weeks. I'm physically and mentally breaking down. I was looking at some photos of places that I have been in and around Toronto area ...just wanted to share some things with you folks...

Cheltenham Badlands - pretty neat place full of red and white hills. For those interested in the area click here

Distillery District

Tobermory - check out how clear the water is O_O

For those of you who have been to the Science Centre have seen this one before - check out how big my bf is lol (that's me taking a photo of the screen)

Picture of me in a canoe in Algonquin, taken many many years ago

Picture taken from the passenger's side as we were driving up north ..I just want to go somewhere and do nothing lol sigh

Sorry for not posting lately. I honestly haven't had the chance to really go shopping or do anything for myself. I'm actually breaking out like crazy because I'm so stressed. (Do you guys have any recommendations on clearing up acne?) Update: I have started the project 10 pan because I have way too many products just sitting there - it's a good time to start using my products that I have accumulated the past several months.

I'll be hitting up Buffalo in a couple of weeks - prepare to see a haul post! haha Just wanted to thank the subscribers that have stuck around despite my absence :) Thanks for the support! xoxo